Series: Limerence If Minimal Scapes is rational, geometric, this series is the opposite: dreamy and Baroque. In an attempt to discover his own method, Hickok muses: “Limerence is a state of infatuation and total attachment to the object of affection, and so, much of the time, in order to access that state, I’m blind-folded or I’m working my non-dominant hand. Charcoal is an essential component of this series. It’s the most intuitive and uncontrolled medium. So I’ve got charcoal sticks lodged between the fingers of one hand, laying down paint with the other. And while I work, Thom Yorke and Radiohead are blaring away so I’m in an altered state, totally fixated, totally in Limerence.” “This is the most honest, the most expressive series I do. But it’s also the most difficult. It’s a fight. I’m fighting to be honest. I feel as though I will never achieve the purity of actual Nature so that’s the fight in the back of my mind. Limerence is my yearning to be connected to the object of my love—God, Nature, Art, or even an artist like de Kooning—and I always feel I’m a mere human being, falling short. Maybe that’s why, in every piece, something of the human, some human form, is evident.”